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    The sustainable benefits of 3D printing

    Reap the rewards of a reduced environmental footprint, minimal impact on materials, and unique, high-quality products.

    logo of 3D printing sustainability - Contribute to a circular economy
    Contribute to a circular economy
    logo of 3D printing sustainability- Reduce CO₂ emissions
    Reduce CO₂ emissions
    logo of 3D printing sustainability- Eliminate Waste
    Eliminate Waste

    Rethinking our production for a brighter future


    Our ambition is to become truly circular in our 3D printing activities. We are deeply committed to reducing CO₂ emissions as a vital part of our efforts to combat climate change.


    In the following sections, you can explore each stage of our sustainable production process, discovering how we contribute to a better world.

    Using recycled and bio-circular materials


    We produce all printed parts with at least 55% recycled or mass-balanced bio-circular plastics.


    This includes the use of recycled materials as well as bio-circular materials. For bio-circular materials, the entire supply chain is ISCC³ Plus certified. We even utilize waste materials such as 100% recycled fishing nets.

    Printing local and on-demand


    We produce on-demand with short production lead times to prevent unsold stocks and are proud to be carbon neutral in our operations, using 100% renewable electricity.


    Compared to conventional methods, we integrate up to 40% fewer components¹.

    Creating sustainable lighting solutions


    Our remarkable lighting solutions are designed for circularity. With a focus on energy efficiency & lifetime and being connectable, upgradable, reusable & recyclable.


    Our products are also light in weight, resulting in a lower carbon footprint associated with manufacturing, shipping and transportation².

    Closing the loop


    To minimize our products end up in landfills, we collaborate with numerous recycling schemes and companies across Europe and North America.


    Our products are designed to be easily disassembled, thanks to our use of no glue, no paint, no potting, and fewer screws.

    Facts and figures


    • Three of our production sites are ISCC Plus³ certified.
    • Six Declare certifications⁴ are available.
    • The third Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) has been released, with others soon to follow.

    Download our Sustainability whitepaper


    Get a deeper understanding of how our innovative lighting solutions can help you achieve your environmental goals, save costs, and create a positive impact.


    Download our Sustainability whitepaper