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    Lumec Lighting

    Lumec urban pole and bracket categories

    Ranging from traditional to modern, from classic to bold, our large selection of poles, brackets, accessories and options will provide endless possibilities to complete your luminaire package. 


      Each project has its own personality and each environment has its unique characteristics. That’s why our line of poles is so vast and our quality so high. We know that with Lumec you will find the poles that fit your project perfectly, regardless of challenges and constraints.

      Discover our complete pole offering



    Whether traditional or contemporary, suspended or wall-mounted, short, mid, or long-reach, these mountings can be applied in very unique ways. Lumec brackets add a flair of originality to any project, are made of high-quality materials, and are built to stand the test of time.


    Discover our complete bracket offering

    Lumital surface treatment


    No matter the project, lighting fixtures

    should not be chosen solely based on illumination characteristics. A positive first impression is crucial, which is why the quality of the finish is so important.


    Lumec's ongoing product improvement

    program has led to the development of a complete surface finish system for exterior applications: the Lumital process.

    Create your own luminaire with Outdoor 3D Configurator