The European Green Deal, the world’s most comprehensive climate action initiative, has been called “Europe’s man on the moon moment.” The programme’s goals could not be more ambitious: to achieve a carbon-neutral continent by 2050, reconciling the economy and the way we consume resources with the planet, and making sure that nobody is left behind.
The UK also has a resilience and recovery plan - The Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution - which lays out a broad roadmap towards this goal and in particular its financing. So how can you - as a business owner, local authority or agency, manufacturer, agriculturalist, utility or service provider - get started? What practical steps can you take to start participating in the UK Green Industrial Revolution or the EU Green Deal if you’re in Ireland, to cut emissions, create jobs and boost innovation?
Signify, the world leader in lighting, has created the Green Switch programme so that you can take action without delay. LED and connected lighting offer one of the simplest and most often overlooked paths to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Not only that, but IoT capabilities built on top of the connected lighting infrastructure can help make the smart future a reality today, spurring job creation and driving prosperity.
Bold climate action is needed, and it’s needed now. Signify’s Green Switch provides many ways to quickly and conveniently participate in the UK Green Industrial Revolution and in all five of the EU Green Deal’s flagship initiatives.