
    Flipping the Green Switch

    Lighting is the quickest path to becoming greener, smarter and more prosperous

    The European Green Deal, the world’s most comprehensive climate action initiative, has been called “Europe’s man on the moon moment.” The programme’s goals could not be more ambitious: to achieve a carbon-neutral continent by 2050, reconciling the economy and the way we consume resources with the planet, and making sure that nobody is left behind.

    The UK also has a resilience and recovery plan - The Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution - which lays out a broad roadmap towards this goal and in particular its financing.  So how can you - as a business owner, local authority or agency, manufacturer, agriculturalist, utility or service provider - get started? What practical steps can you take to start participating in the UK Green Industrial Revolution or the EU Green Deal if you’re in Ireland, to cut emissions, create jobs and boost innovation?

    Signify, the world leader in lighting, has created the Green Switch programme so that you can take action without delay. LED and connected lighting offer one of the simplest and most often overlooked paths to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Not only that, but IoT capabilities built on top of the connected lighting infrastructure can help make the smart future a reality today, spurring job creation and driving prosperity.

    Bold climate action is needed, and it’s needed now. Signify’s Green Switch provides many ways to quickly and conveniently participate in the UK Green Industrial Revolution and in all five of the EU Green Deal’s flagship initiatives.

    Lights on. Carbon off.

    The Ten Point Plan has made funding available to take immediate and aggressive climate action. The Signify Green Switch lets you take action now, using the simplest and most effective method of slashing emissions and spending: switching to connected LED lighting.


    Take action now

    Limited-time tax deduction for UK businesses investing in lighting

    In its Spring Budget 2021, the UK government announced two new capital allowances to encourage business investment and stimulate economic growth. Under the scheme, companies investing in ‘plant and machinery’ – such as lighting systems – could qualify for a limited-time tax saving.  Read our Capital Allowances leaflet to learn how you could benefit.


    Capital Allowances leaflet

    Renovation wave

    With energy savings of up to 80% and the potential to save 100 megatons of GHG emissions per year, LED and connected lighting is a quick and easy win for sustainable renovation, smart cities, and building the digital infrastructure that a carbon-neutral economy requires.


    Learn more about renovation wave

    Clean energy

    Harness the power of sunlight with hybrid and solar street lighting. Minimize emissions, build a citywide digital infrastructure, and scale up the use of renewables in your municipality. Use the energy savings to support integrated initiatives, such as powering electric vehicles.


    Discover more about clean energy

    Circular economy

    The circular economy has everything to do with sustainable consumption, reuse, and eliminating waste. Signify’s recyclable 3D-printed luminaires cut the carbon footprint for lighting in half. Circular streetlights reduce maintenance costs by 60%, with zero waste to landfill. And Light-as-a-Service approaches promote sustainability along the entire lighting lifecycle.


    Explore more about circular economy

    Clean mobility

    Charge stations built into digital streetlights support the UK’s plans to roll out a network of EV charging points in time for the ending of new petrol and diesel cars in 2030. Savings from energy-efficiency renovations and LED and solar street lighting can power tens of thousands of EVs without extra power generation.


    Find out more about clean mobility


    A farm-to-fork approach helps to preserve the world’s food supply. LED grow lights boost crop quality and yield with up to half the energy consumption. Lighting designed for vertical farming near cities reduces the carbon and water use, and reduces food miles, while aquaculture lighting increases yield, improves feed conversion and improves animal welfare.


    Learn more about biodiversity