Explore how we use technology to make constant improvements and drive lighting forward, including LiFi, 3D printing, digital solutions and bringing natural light indoors.
Solar Streelighting at Falcon City of Wonders, Dubai
Signify ‘s vertically integrated solar street lighting helps falcon city of wonders to significantly contribute towards the project sustainability goals.
Bratislava smart lighting
New advanced LED street lighting technology from Signify will significantly reduce Bratislava's carbon footprint by 672 tons of CO2 per year.
Pure protection against viruses and bacteria
UVC is a known disinfectant that kills viruses and bacteria. Signify offers Philips UV-C lamps and Once Bioshift germicidal chambers with the power to disinfect air, surfaces and objects.
Interact IoT platform
The Interact IoT platform enables you to benefit from edge technologies, big data processing and analytics, and machine learning
Signify recently won multiple industry accolades, highlighting our persistent focus on innovation and forward-thinking design.
The Philips Outdoor multisensor was judged the market’s standout multifunctional sensor in 2023.
In 2012 we launched Philips Hue, the world’s leading smart home lighting system. It’s grown to become an ecosystem of products that work seamlessly with all major smart home platforms and more than 750 apps.