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    Light Your World Blog

    Kalera founder talks the science of
    vertical farming LEDs

    23 March, 2021
    Orlando Marriot's huecube
    The vertical farming pioneer fills us in on what’s new with its latest expansion projects – including why the group trusts Signify and Philips brand LEDs, and how vertical farming systems are able to grow more, sustainably.

    Kalera is making some pretty big waves across the country.


    In 2020 alone, the advanced indoor vertical farming operation opened a new indoor farm in Orlando, Florida, where the group is based and announced expansion into Houston, Texas, Atlanta, Georgia, and Denver, Colorado, all of which are set to open in 2021.

    The planned Houston facility will enter the market as the largest indoor farm in the state of Texas, while the Atlanta grow will reportedly have the highest production volume of any vertical farm in the southeast.


    We touched base with Dr. Cristian Toma, Kalera’s founder and chief science officer (CSO), to get some details on the new facility and what the team is up to lately.

    Kalera Logo
    Greenhouse Management (GM): We read briefly about your recent expansion to the Houston, Texas, market. What aspects of the project do you think are noteworthy?

    Cristian Toma (CT), Kalera: 
    “With the Houston facility we will continue to expand our HyCubeOS operating system, a distributed data collection and automation system controlling our hydroponic facility operations, such as light system settings, plant nutrient recipes, and grow room climate. HyCubeOS is based on a highly scalable and resilient Cloud architecture integrating our own IoT sensors and automation components into a system capable of handling multiple geographically distributed facilities. The HyCubeOS creates a data-rich environment that we can leverage for continuous process improvement by using big data analytics and AI. Additionally, our HyCubeOS system is now capable of controlling Signify’s’ programmable spectrum LEDs.”
    Kalera farming

    GM: Being a completely controlled environment ag farm, you’re always having to provide 100% of the light spectrums the plants need to yield. What are some of the most important aspects of a lighting system when you’re evaluating different options? And why did you ultimately decide to go with Philips LEDs for the Houston project?


    Read the entire Kalera story on Produce Grower


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    Kalera, Philips LED production module, vertical farming, horticulture, produce grower, agriculture, grow lights, LED grow lights, closed environment agriculture

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