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    Light Your World Blog

    NEO Console lights up Niagara Falls

    November 14, 2019
    niagara falls
    The major tourist attraction has been given a stunning after-dark dimension thanks to a new energy-efficient LED lighting installation, controlled by two Strand NEO Lighting Consoles.

    The new lights provide more than twice the previous lighting levels, a wider spectrum of color, and enable programmable lighting via the flexible NEO system. Lighting effects such as sunrise, sunset and the Aurora Borealis can be displayed on the Falls nightly using the NEO Consoles.
    niagara falls
    “Whether you are lighting your high school musical or Niagara Falls, the Strand NEO provides the designer and programmer with the tools needed to get the job done right,” says Alan McIntosh, senior lighting designer, Mulvey & Banani Lighting. “Accompanied with a familiar and friendly operating system, the new custom paint box application provides a simplified operation to a complex design.”
    niagara falls

    The NEO Consoles provide the dynamic fade engine for the Falls, while the triggering is done by touchscreen interfaces created using the Mobile Interface Builder. There is even a touchscreen layout that the operators make available to public tours, so people can trigger colors on the Falls themselves.

    Photos © Niagara Falls Park


    Strand Lighting
    Strand Lighting

    Post tags

    Neo Consoles, LED lighting, Niagara Falls, programmable lighting, designer, programmer, lighting designer, dynamic fade engine, touchscreen interfaces, Mobile Interface Builder

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