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    Light Your World Blog

    Health and safety measures at the Lumec factory: the new reality

    June 24, 2020
    Lumec Boisbriand
    In March 2020, our lives were impacted when the COVID-19 pandemic hit Canada. Suddenly, everything was shut down and all processes had to be reviewed and reinvented. Health and Safety officers, Lean experts, and Manufacturing managers, at the Signify Lumec plant, located in Boisbriand, Canada, had to establish new ways of working since containment, hygiene and distancing measures now had to become part of the factory’s daily routine. All scenarios were evaluated, and a crisis action plan was established. New standards, based on safety measures, were defined so the factory could continue to manufacture and produce as much as possible while the health and safety of each employee remained the priority. 
    As with many other businesses, a major reorganization had to happen. First, with social distancing restrictions and respecting Government laws, the factory had to immediately reduce the number of workers to 40% which led to an important reduction on the production side. After a few days, the Lumec factory then decided to split the schedule in two work shifts and increase the number of workers to 75%, so production could remain as normal as possible. As of May 25th, with the Canadian Government’s approval, the 200 workers were able to resume their former day shift schedules since we had put in place all the safety and health measures required.
    Lumec Boisbriand corona rules

    It was important that we collectively ensure that the Boisbriand site remain a first-class example in the application of those measures. Therefore, anyone with symptoms of cough, fever, respiratory problem, was returned home to quarantine. To ensure the wellness of everyone, all office workers who do not work in production were mandated to work remotely from home. Also, all interior doors of the building had to stay permanently open to avoid any unnecessary contact. Only one entrance remains open, where employees needs to fill out a questionnaire and have their temperature taken every morning. Workers also need to wash their hands when entering the building as well as before and after breaks and lunch.


    In order to respect the distance between workers, arrows and one-way direction was determined and are clearly visible on the floor. Distance between workstations and/or workers was set to the minimum of 2 meters and stations are now separated by plexiglass separators. Physical distance was also defined in the cafeteria and meeting rooms have been transformed and are now being used to provide more spaces to accommodate our employees during breaks and lunch time. An external company ensures the disinfection of cafeterias between all breaks and dinner, as well as twice a day for all common areas. The disinfection process of all tools and workstations after each break and in the morning is done by the employees in the assembly department.

    Lumec boisbriand dispencers Corona

    Protector separation in assembly lines


    As for the shipping and receiving department, a secluded shelter for drivers was built so they could follow the same process as all LUMEC plant employees like completing the questionnaire and taking their temperature. Also, some of our parts are received by our transporters to be consolidated before being transferred to the factory.

    Lumec Boisbriand 5 bl

    Shelter for delivery drivers


    We are happy that with all the precautions and new measures in place, no COVID cases have been reported among the 200 factory employees. In addition, we were able to recover the delay in production time thanks to everyone’s help and their ever-present team spirit. #GreatherTogether!


    Despite some departments working remotely, communication was key and has continued with all company employees who stay connected via virtual meetings and friendly chat coffee-corners.


    We’re all looking forward to returning to a normal life, but meanwhile, all those changes that were put in place in the factory (and other departments) are now part of our daily reality. It’s important that we collectively ensure the health and security of our colleagues and I sincerely think that everyone at the Lumec Boisbriand factory has that at heart.


    Stay safe everyone. Cheers!


    Karine Proulx
    Karine Proulx

    Post tags

    Lumec factory, Covid-19, health measures, safety measures, crisis action plan, health and safety, physical distancing, disinfection, virtual meetings, coffee-corners, manufacture, plant, factory, protector separation

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