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    The impacts of an evolving Smart City

    Smart street lighting will help future-proof our cities






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    Los Angeles is using their connected infrastructure to enhance the lives of their citizens



    The Los Angeles Bureau of Street Lighting collaborated with us on a program that uses lighting management software and a connected IoT sensor network to manage 110,000 street lights across the city, allowing the city to obtain additional benefits from the public lighting system. Through our collaboration, LA is now capable of monitoring in-real time grid reliability, asset performance, traffic patterns, and noise levels across the city.

    Not only are streets quieter, safer, and well-lit in LA since implementing these new applications, but the city is also saving 63% on their energy and eliminating 47,000 tons of CO2 annually.

    • LED lighting for roads and streets

      LED lighting for roads and streets

      Creating energy savings from LED and connected lighting, the Signify Brighten America plan can help achieve sustainability and connectivity targets.

    • LED lighting for government buildings

      LED lighting for government buildings

      Signify energy-efficient LED and connected lighting is a quick win for a sustainable building renovation utilizing infrastructure investment funds

    • Bright ideas in Education

      Bright ideas in Education

      Educational establishments fulfill a unique role in society as places of learning, belonging, and community cohesion.

    • Broadband equity

      Broadband equity

      Broadband access is critically important for equal opportunity in the workplace, the educational system, and people's day-to-day lives.

    Thank you for your interest in the LA case study!