Cities that have switched to connected LED lighting systems report benefits far beyond superior and reliable illumination. They report a reduction in energy use and costs by 60-80%, reduced nighttime crime by 10-36%, road accidents by up to 30%, decreased traffic by up to 31% and increased revenue streams by up to 25%. The benefits of connected LED lighting technology have also supported equitable access to broadband and public Wi-Fi for their citizens and the ability to optimize demand response initiatives.
The investment into connected LED lighting addresses the many variables associated with a shift towards a safer, more sustainable and energy efficient future by leveraging your existing lighting infrastructure.
LED lighting for roads and streets
Creating energy savings from LED and connected lighting, the Signify Brighten America plan can help achieve sustainability and connectivity targets.
LED lighting for government buildings
Signify energy-efficient LED and connected lighting is a quick win for a sustainable building renovation utilizing infrastructure investment funds
Bright ideas in Education
Educational establishments fulfill a unique role in society as places of learning, belonging, and community cohesion.
Broadband equity
Broadband access is critically important for equal opportunity in the workplace, the educational system, and people's day-to-day lives.