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    EMC & Wireless connectivity testing services

    Support for innovative companies


    Within Innovation labs, we are committed to support our customers in different phases of product creation projects by offering Services in the areas of Technology development, Consultancy and Testing.


    Mai-han Truong, Group leader EMC test team

    EMC & Wireless connectivity testing services for innovative companies


    Comprehensive Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing is part of the core steps when it comes to release any electronic product in the market and ensures the products comply with the standards.


    As EMC & Wireless connectivity test lab we have years of experience covering a wide range of approbation testing for various customer needs and to meet mandatory regulatory requirements.

    Our EMC testing laboratory can help you with compliance testing according to EN, CISPR, FCC, IEC, ETSI standards and reaching CE marking. These cover, amongst others, the following classes of products:

    • Lighting 
    • ISM wireless devices, such as Bluetooth, Zigbee, RFiD, WiFi, NFC, NB-IoT
    • Multimedia, Information Technology
    • Household appliances
    • Automotive

    Want to discuss a potential EMC project?