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    Climate Leadership - How to Go Carbon Neutral?

    Watch this webinar to understand the concept of Carbon Neutrality and how efficient lighting can be a key driver of a low-carbon economy.

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    Presented by

    Renat Heuberger
    Renat Heuberger
    Renat is a pioneer and social entrepreneur in the field of sustainability, climate change and renewable energies, where he is engaged since 1999. As a founding partner and CEO of South Pole, he coordinated the set-up of the company’s global sustainability finance business. Before founding South Pole, Renat was co-founder and CEO of the myclimate foundation, one of the world’s first players on the voluntary carbon markets.

    Renat has been elected “Social Entrepreneur of Switzerland” by the World Economic Forum’s Schwab foundation and he serves as a member of the Expert Network of the WEF. He is member of the Innovation Council of InnoSuisse, board member of Climate-KIC, Board member of M-Power, and member of the advisory board of Impact HUB Zurich. Renat holds a master degree in environmental sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and has completed executive education programs at INSEAD and the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS).

    Key topics and learnings

    The Paris Agreement to combat climate change is one of the most impressive and far-reaching global deals ever done in history. Not only have 195 countries signed up to Paris, but the agreement also contains a strong call to action for corporate climate leadership. On top, in the same year 2015 the UN also adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). So, against this backdrop, what does climate leadership and sustainability stewardship really mean? How will global corporates position themselves? How can Signify, a provider of one of the keys to a low-carbon world, benefit?


    In this webinar, Renat Heuberger will discuss and reflect these aspects.

    Here are the learning objectives of this webinar:

    • Participants understand the concept of Carbon Neutrality - and how it fits into a Corporate Climate Leadership strategy.
    • Participants understand how efficient lighting can be a key driver of a low-carbon economy.
    • Participants understand and reflect on other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) affected by efficient lighting.

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