
    Natural and artificial illumination of large public spaces

    Watch this webinar to learn how to create an accurate lighting balance for the users as per their needs.
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    Key topics and learnings


    Learn more about natural and artificial illumination of large public spaces and what are the opportunities over the challenges.


    A view from our expert Mr. Anupam Mittal.

    What are the user needs and illumination and lighting as per region. Days are short and long as per seasons and has limitation of penetration in the buildings but effective lighting design can always create an accurate lighting balance for the users as per their needs.


    How about the technology and lighting? Sudden weather changes may disturb the ambience within the living spaces but technology can play a vital role by acting as per the situation to have a control on the necessities as required for the end user.


    Psychological impact of color and intensity of lighting and illumination will also play a crucial role. Stress working creates moods swings but colour or intensity of lighting may be treated as medicine to create calmness. 


    And what about the built environment and lighting?  What is the impact and the effect on its surroundings?

    Join us and Anupam in this inspirational and enlightening session.


    Learning objectives:


    • Understanding Regional Lighting Needs
    • Applying Technology in Lighting Design
    • Harnessing Psychological Impact of Lighting
    • Evaluating Lighting Effects in the Built Environment

    Presented by

    Anupam Mittal

    Anupam Mittal

    Principal Architect & Director, 

    ARINEM Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd.



    Anupam Mittal, alumnus of GCA Lucknow has embraced 29 prolific years in professional practice through his venture ARINEM. A laureate in various domains, he spearheads major infrastructure feats encompassing city development plans for 3 cities along with extensive involvement in projects like  45+ railway station revamp across 15 states, 35 metro stations multi modal integration and way side amenities across 7 states. Leading a sizeable team, his pioneering exploration of technology in construction led to the concept of RMDC (Rapid Monolithic Disaster Proof Construction), particularly enriching affordable housing. Beyond his architectural roles, he assumes roles in industry associations such as chairman ASSOCHAM GEM(UP) and enjoys golf triumphs.

    Question and Answers


    Q1. For facade lighting of Large public buildings or monuments. for a designer what is more important. is to illuminate all the architectural elements and use as many lights as required or to design in a way where we can compromise on illumination and design feature in order to save energy.

    Answer. Illumination as well as saving energy is important. The design needs to be done so as to accentuate the elements of design and use technology so as to save energy when light is not needed.


    Q2. What is the broad difference between consideratons of Outdoor and Indoor Lighting Design?

    Answer. Outdoor lighting design parameters are based on natural light of sun, moon and reflected light whereas indoor lighting design parameters are based on purpose. Various other considerations are there like whether it is landscape, type of building, etc.


    Q3. For value and sustainability, which sensors do you consider best value?

    Answer. Depending on the application types and requirements of the buildings/area, Sensors are proposed for value proposition and sustainibility. Sensors can be Occupancy, Daylight, both Occupancy and Daylight,etc.


    Q4. Which programs are most used for simulations, Relux or DiaLux?

    Answer. Dialux is more commonly used as it is an open platform, easily available and user friendly.


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