
    Listen to the winners -CLUE 05

    Watch this webinar to listen to the winners of CLUE Edition 05.
    Listen to the winners of CLUE 05

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    Presented by

    Clarissa Concillio
    Clarissa Concilio
    Gabriele Gunady and Sang-II Na
    Gabriele Gunady and Sang-Il Na
    Mikhael Geordie Amadeus and Priscillia Sanjaya
    Mikhael Geordie Amadeus and Priscillia Sanjaya

    Clarissa Concilio comes from Bologna, Italy and is a lighting designer based in Copenhagen.

    She holds a bachelor’s degree in Interior Design from Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy).

    She moved to Copenhagen in 2016 to take her Master’s degree in Lighting Design at Aalborg University, during which she did an internship at Gottlieb Paludan Architects and she worked as lighting designer for Normasym, a lighting manufacturer. 

    In 2018 she helped the Danish Lighting Center (DCL) with the organization of the second edition of Copenhagen Light Festival.

    Clarissa is currently working as lighting designer at Ramboll, a leading engineering, architecture and consultancy company.    

    Mikhael and Priscillia studied at the University of Technology Sydney and acquired their bachelor’s degrees in Product Design in 2018. Born in Indonesia and currently living in Australia, they take inspiration from the cultural intricacies of both countries and strive to deliver design solutions that make life better.


    Mikhael is currently working as an Industrial Designer at Brian Cummins Group, a retail equipment manufacturer, while Priscillia is working in Graphic Design at a printing company based in Sydney.


    Key topics and learnings


    Wiining Project - BESKUT

    Winner name - Clarissa Concilio

    Place - Denmark


    Description - Clarissa will talk about her project - Beskut explaining how the refugee children have sleep disturbances, usually under the form of nightmares or difficulties in falling asleep or in sleeping resulting in issues in the intellectual development, memory loss, loss of cognitive functions, leading to a permanent damage in children if left untreated.


    Beskut can help improving the well-being of refugee children. It is a soft toy that can be given to all kids at their arrival to the Sprar centres. Beskut emits a beating red light (640nm) that lulls the child to sleep. The gentle movement of the light, simulating a breath, relaxes the child soothing the anxiety and stress caused by the trauma.


    Second winning project - Call Out

    Second prize winner - Gabriele Gunady and Sang-Il Na

    Place - Victoria, Australia


    Description - Gabriele and Sang il will talk about the link and upgrade current lifesaver tools in plane/ship to soothe the shock, give directions, and to be seen.

    The module consists of  'light-buoy' - huge float made out of photoluminescence material with light emitted helium balloon feature, and 'glow-float' - personal photoluminescence float embedded on each life jacket. In emergency, Light-buoy will instantly inflated once reached water. The glowing balloon will stand out in the dark, creating a meeting node for survivors. It gives a sense of warmth and space in such an unfamiliar setting, while also provide lights for any purpose. Top of balloon emmits SOS signal at night, yet also reflecting sunlight during the day. Naturally, water movement will emphasize reflection's brilliance and hopefully create attention.


    Third winning project - Blast

    Third prize winner - Mikhael Geordie Amadeus and Priscillia Sanjaya

    Place - NSW, Australia


    Description - Mikhael and Priscilla will present thier project BLASt which is a smart streetlight system designed to help Australians anticipate the bushfire season. Sensors installed in BLASt monitors local Air Quality Index (AQI), humidity, the temperature in real-time. This information is relayed in the network and communicated to surrounding residents through a combination of LED Lights and E-INK display. In essence, BLASt utilises light to relay information to people affected by the bushfire; giving them more time and information which in turn empowers them to make better decisions and reduce casualty. 

    First prize - BESKUT

    Winning project - BESKUT


    Second prize - Call out

    Second winning project - Call Out


    Third prize - Blast

    Third winning project - Blast


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