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Connected cities
Watch this webinar to understand how will 5G and IoT support future services and potential use cases.
Semantic lighting
Watch this webinar on Semantic lighting and learn how the Internet of light will revolutionize every aspect of our lives in ways we had never dreamed of.
Importance of partnerships in smart cities
Watch this webinar held on Nov 10, 2016 and see why creating partnerships is the key to empowering cities and how it help cities to better serve their citizens.
Open systems within smart cities
Watch this webinar held on Dec 6 and discover how different kinds of openness in their data infrastructure can help city services work together more efficiently.
Standardized data for smart cities
Watch this webinar held on April 28, 2017 and learn more about the WCCD and the rapidly growing global network of WCCD ISO 37120 Certified cities.
Digital technology for smart cities
Watch this webinar held on Sep 29, 2016 and discover how providing digital (lighting) solutions could help to make cities smarter, more resilient and more sustainable.
Smart public lighting solutions
Watch this webinar recording and learn about the practical innovation challenges in smart urban lighting projects.
Cities that sense and respond
Watch this webinar held on Jun 9, 2016 and see how biomimicry applies insights gained from natural ecosystems as a source of ideas for innovative lighting design.
Secure lighting for smart cities
Attend this webinar to learn how a secure IoT lighting system can help make smart city infrastructures safer.
SmartCitiesWorld webinar with City of Cardiff Council
Watch this webinar held on Feb 20, 2018 and and learn what has been achieved so far in terms of connected lighting by the City of Cardiff.
Contact us
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Digitized illumination
Watch this webinar and discover what integrating LED-based illumination services can do in the expanding age of digital interconnectivity.