Watch the Light Bite: Lighting, from evolution to revolution.
From candle to LED - the past, present and future of lighting.
When mankind learned how to create fire, it was a paradigm shift in human survival, evolution and development. We could now cook our food and generate warmth. And almost by accident, this also triggered another, perhaps more profound revolution: we now had the ability to bring light where there was darkness. That revolution continues to this day.
The ability to create light on demand has been a key driver of cultural, social and economic development. In the 19th century, incandescent light bulbs quickly became the world’s first massively popular electric appliance. But this was an inefficient form of illumination, and the effects are still felt today: 19% of the world’s electricity is spent on lighting.
In Lighting, from evolution to revolution, we will reflect on how energy-efficient lighting can help pave the way towards a more sustainable future. This also involves issues like eradicating “light poverty” and promoting connected lighting.
Watch this Light Bite with Harry Verhaar, and discover how lighting innovations can contribute to reaching Sustainable Development Goals and help improve the well-being and development of mankind itself.
Color Matters
Attend this webinar to discover the hidden impacts of blue light on design, culture, and well-being, and learn how to make more thoughtful lighting choices."
The future of lighting design
Attend this webinar to explore the future of lighting design through emerging trends and AI-driven insights, guided by leading experts.
Preserving Darkness
Attend this webinar to learn why darkness is so important and how good lighting design helps in preserving the environment by respecting darkness.