
    Our focus

    The Foundation has three primary focus areas for project and partner selection that fall under the Brighter communities program:

    The Foundation has  3 primary focus areas for project and partner selection:
    The Foundation has  3 primary focus areas for project and partner selection:

    Brighter learning


    The Brighter learning pillar is dedicated to empowering children and youth through access to transformative lighting solutions. We deploy lights in diverse learning settings, such as off-grid and on-grid schools, playgrounds, and children’s residential homes. The influence of quality lighting in this context cultivates focus, elevates study, enriches playtime, and ensures the safety of our younger generations. 

    Brighter health


    The Brighter health pillar facilitates access to lighting solutions in primary health clinics and facilities. Supporting health care providers in performing their vital roles for communities, quality lighting facilitates enhanced patient care and the execution of challenging procedures even after sundown. Patients, housed in well-lit facilities during the night, experience heightened safety and security with lighting that provides a warm and welcoming space for rest and recovery.

    Brighter living


    The Brighter living pillar enables access to light in (informal/refugee) settlements, remote villages, and disaster and conflict affected communities. Lighting solutions uplift these communities by elevating safety, fortifying security, and amplifying social and livelihood activities after nightfall. Our commitment is realized through collaborative approaches that actively engage communities in lighting interventions designed for their unique needs. Together, we discover local solutions, empowering communities to take ownership of how they harness the power of light to transform their living spaces.

    Our contribution to the SDG’s

    For the international community, there is broad agreement that access to modern energy services is a necessary pre-requisite for alleviating poverty and boosting shared prosperity.  Access to energy underpins access to lighting with decentralized solutions being most relevant in the off-grid and partial grid contexts that the Foundation works in. Through our projects and partnerships we directly contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, in particular to 3 (Good health & Well-Being), 4 (Quality Education), 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) and 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).
    Gender equality
    clean energy
    economic growth
    sustainable cities

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