
    My Technology Portal

    Now is the time to go digital with My Technology Portal!

    My Technology Portal displayed on a desktop

    Whether you’re looking for product information or wish to order Philips product samples, My Technology Portal puts all our OEM  services at your fingertips with just one log in. With quick access to the latest news items, Easy Design-In Tool, technical downloads, MultiOne and more, our  customer-exclusive portal supports you through every step of your lighting project.


    Request your My Technology Portal account today or just log in to enjoy all the OEM services at your fingertips! Choose your region below for a full range of relevant content and functionalities.

    Discover the full range of services and functionalities available in the My Technology portal for the EMEA region below. Are you looking for information about the US portal, click here.
    Shop icon

    LED electronics & modules

    Information about all upcoming introductions and phase-outs, including dates, product codes and a customized overview based on your order history.
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    OEM LED Catalog

    Interactive catalog containing all LED drivers and modules, with easy links to the products widget, Easy Design-In Tool and sample webshop.
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    Includes webinars, tutorials, OEM videos, event information and market specific insights.
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    Order samples of our newest LED electronics and modules, or find out the last status of your order.
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    Knowledge center

    Find all the ‘how-to’ videos and get alerted on interesting new videos.
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    Easy Design-In Tool

    Access this tool via the portal for additional functionalities and create your ideal LED configuration in a few clicks.
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    My Signify

    Review your orders, and check order status and delivery information in My Signify.
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    My Account

    Customize your dashboard, set notifications.
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    Find all information and software files from our MultiOne software for simple and fast configuration.
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    Compose & Connect Configurator

    Build your connected system from a wide variety of smart LED electronics and modules, including the ones working with Philips Field App MC.

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