
    Lighting for circularity in retail

    Consumers increasingly prefer sustainable retailers


    Shoppers desire products on the shelves to be sourced, manufactured, packaged and sold sustainably. 40% of them even take sustainability into account for their retailer preference.


    We know that lighting has a big influence on the store ambiance. But how can lighting contribute to keeping your store up to date and help you reach your sustainability development goals?

    Signify is the first company to introduce lighting for circularity

    Signify delivers lighting solutions that support global sustainability goals


    Our lighting for circularity approach is enabling the shift from a linear economy to a circular reduce-reuse-recycle economy. Our commitments include sending zero waste to landfill, doubling our circular revenues by end of 2025, and saving over 2.5 million kg of consumer packaging plastic annually.

    Reach your sustainability development goals
    while maximizing store experience


    Lighting for circularity products, services and systems help to reduce the environmental impact and enhance your store experience at the same time.

    Signify lighting for circularity circular economy light circular

    Lighting for circularity products

    Full retail portfolio of circular economy ready Philips luminaires which have superior efficacy, are recyclable, connectable and serviceable.

    Lighting for circularity services

    Circular services for enhancing the luminaire performance, extending the lifetime, and end of contract audit and options.

    Lighting for circularity systems

    Multisite lighting controls enable adapting to the moment and changing the lighting scenes, optimizing your energy savings with the energy dashboard, and remote monitoring your lighting assets.

    Lighting for circularity products

    From accent lighting to 3D printed pendants – we offer you a wide range of eco-conscious Philips lamps and luminaires for retail application.
    Philips logo

    Lighting for circularity services

    Further reduce your footprint with services that support your sustainability development goals

    More sustainable use of material
    More sustainable use of material
    Immediate energy savings
    Immediate energy savings
    No upfront investment*
    No upfront investment*
    Latest lighting installation
    Latest lighting installation
    Guaranteed performance*
    Guaranteed performance*
    End of contract audit
    End of contract audit
    * only applicable for the circular managed services

    Two service levels, countless benefits

    Circular Lifecycle Services


    Sustainable lighting that allows a high level of flexibility and full customization of the service package to meet your specific needs.


    Learn more about Lifecycle Services

    Circular Managed Services


    Sustainable lighting through a hassle-free experience and based on the use instead of the ownership of the lighting system (OpEx only). Guaranteed performance.


    Learn more about Managed Services

    Lighting for circularity systems

    Maximum control. Minimum footprint.

    Welcome to Interact.

    Interact uses cloud-based software, connected luminaires, and multisensors to manage your retail lighting efficiently. Interact gathers data from the system and your stores, delivering valuable and actionable insights.
    Interact Logo
    Scene and schedule management

    Minimize your lighting’s energy usage


    • Gain insight into energy usage across all sites on a single dashboard
    • Make comparisons, identify unusual situations, and ​leverage best practices
    • Link connected systems together through smart meter integration​
    Energy optimization

    Reduce on-site maintenance needs


    • Manage lighting across all sites remotely—no need for on-site visits
    • Perform emegency lighting checks and update system settings remotely
    • Save costs and resources by reducing annual site visits by up to 60%
    Lighting management

    Give your lighting products a second life


    • A luminaire passport stores data on the luminaires in your system, their rated lifetimes, burning hours, and defects.
    • When your store is ready to be refurbished, you know the history of each luminaire for second life options and optimal recyclability.

    Do you want to join the circle? Get in touch with us.