Em 2020 alcançámos a neutralidade de carbono no conjunto das nossas operações e usamos electricidade 100% renovável.
Agora, embarcamos num novo caminho de cinco anos para duplicar o nosso impacto positivo no ambiente e na sociedade
Como líderes mundiais em iluminação temos um importante papel para ajudar a alcançar os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS). Os nossos objetivos Brighter Lives, Better World 2025 garantem que os nossos produtos, sistemas e serviços continuem a assegurar um futuro mais sustentável. Acreditamos que podemos impulsionar a mudança a partir de áreas em que podemos influir. Para isso estamos comprometidos e trabalhamos activamente para ajudar a alcançar os ODS 3, 7, 8, 11, 12 e 13.
There is strength in numbers, which is why we work closely with our suppliers, peer groups, industry organizations and academia to create products and systems that make a real difference and to push boundaries and innovate.
Some of our partnerships include:
StEP: solving the E-waste Problem
En.lighten intitative: a public & private partnership between the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), industry and countries. The aim is to drive the conversion to environmentally sustainable lighting technologies
Ellen MacArthur Foundation: leading the way in building capabilities towards a circular economy
There is strength in numbers, which is why we work closely with our suppliers, peer groups, industry organizations and academia to create products and systems that make a real difference and to push boundaries and innovate.
Some of our partnerships include:
StEP: solving the E-waste Problem
En.lighten intitative: a public & private partnership between the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), industry and countries. The aim is to drive the conversion to environmentally sustainable lighting technologies
Ellen MacArthur Foundation: leading the way in building capabilities towards a circular economy