
    Novice in dogodki

    Naše najnovejše zgodbe

    • Signify starts EUR 150 million share repurchase program

      Signify starts EUR 150 million share repurchase program

      Signify, the world leader in lighting, today announced the start of its share repurchase program to buy back up to EUR 150 million of its own shares, as announced in its press release of January 24, 2025.

    • Signify proposes to re-appoint Gerard van de Aast to the Supervisory Board

      Signify proposes to re-appoint Gerard van de Aast to the Supervisory Board

      Signify proposes the re-appointment of Mr. Gerard van de Aast as a member of the Supervisory Board to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) to be held on April 25, 2025.

    • Signify announces that CEO Eric Rondolat will step down after the AGM 2025

      Signify announces that CEO Eric Rondolat will step down after the AGM 2025

      Signify announced today that CEO Eric Rondolat will step down from the company’s Board of Management after the Annual General Meeting of shareholders (AGM) to be held on April 25, 2025.


    Profesionalna razsvetljava

    Profesionalna razsvetljava

    Razsvetljava za gospodinjstva

    Razsvetljava za gospodinjstva

    Za podjetja

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